Saturday, November 9, 2013

60 Get to Know You Questions for a New Romance from

These questions are great. I just sent these to the man that I've started seeing recently since we are still getting to know one another. I will let you know how it went.

#1 Are you an animal lover or would you avoid keeping animals at home?

#2 Do you like summer or winter?

#3 Would you diet or would you work out?

#4 What do you wear to bed? 

#5 What’s your favorite clothing brand?

#6 When was the last time you cried?

#7 Which color reflects your personality and why?

#8 In the animal kingdom, which animal would you be?

#9 Do you like tattoos and body piercing?

#10 How much PDA is acceptable? 

#11 How often do you take a shower?

#12 What are your favorite magazines?

#13 What are your favorite books?

#14 What’s your favorite movie?

#15 What’s your favorite music you’re listening to these days?

#16 What’s your favorite alcoholic drink?

#17 What’s your favorite vacation idea?

#18 What’s your favorite food?

#19 Who’s your favorite actor?

#20 If you found a briefcase of money on the street, would you keep it?

#21 Are you religious?

#22 Are you a gizmo person?

#23 What kind of sport do you like?

#24 Clubbing or candlelight dinner?

#25 Earth Hour or Fourth of July fireworks?

#26 Backpacking or a luxury hotel?

#27 Christmas or Halloween?

#28 Are you a morning person?

#29 What’s your philosophy in life?

#30 When was the last time you were happy you lied?

#31 What comes to your mind when you think of your exes? 

#32 Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

#33 What’s your idea of romance?

#34 Would you like to live in the countryside or in a metropolitan area?

#35 When did you lose your virginity?

#36 What’s your favorite body part of the opposite sex?

#37 What’s the wildest thing you’ve done sexually?

#38 Do you think money can buy happiness?

#39 The world would be a better place if…?

#40 Do you have any social causes that are close to your heart?

#41 What do you do over the weekends?

#42 Would you mind if I had a best friend of the opposite sex? 

#43 Which was the worst phase in your life?

#44 What was the happiest moment in your life?

#45 Do you judge a book by its cover?

#46 What’s your political stance?

#47 Do you watch porn and what’s your view on it?

#48 Do you believe in karma?

#49 Do you plan your life or live for the moment?

#50 Do you think life is fair?

#51 If you were marooned on an island, what are the five things you would take with you? 
#52 Would you sulk or would you confront?

#53 Are you addicted to anything?

#54 Any current news that’s caught your attention?

#55 What are your favorite apps that you use often?

#56 Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

#57 What do you have for breakfast?

#58 How often do you make your bed?

#59 If you knew you were right, would you take a stand even if you know you would make a scene in public or would you let it go?

#60 What’s an absolute no-no in a relationship?

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